Awaken to your True Self

Opening to the Next Level on Your Spiritual Path!

A Six-Day, Five-Night Retreat on the Healing Mountain of Shasta, California

June 8 - 13, 2024


Discover the enchanting wonders of

Mount Shasta with Awaken to Your True Self retreat!

Explore our variety of pricing options to find the perfect fit for your budget.

Secure your spot now—spaces are filling up quickly on a first-come, first-serve basis.

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Meet your Hosts

Jeanne Marie Russell

Certified Reiki Master and Teacher, Creator of Dolphin Energetics™, and Owner of Dolphin Touch Wellness Center 
Kauai, Hawaii

Jeanne has her Master's Degree in Statistics from New York University where she did her Master's Thesis on "The Nursing Behavior of Beluga Whales" which was later published in Zoo Biology. Later, she became certified as a Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner (ATP), Certified Yoga Nidra practitioner, Qi Gong Training with Master Hong Lui, Level 1 Hawaiian Energy Master and more! Of all these trainings, Jeanne feels that the dolphins are her greatest teachers and she is especially connected to their love, their joy and their playful spirit!

Visit Jeanne's Website

Matthew Bueno

Native American Decent, Yaqui, Lakota,and Karuk Tribes.

For the past 34 years Matthew has studied with his guides and spirit teachers to master techniques such as Energy Clearing, Curse Clearings, Home clearings, Entity Clearing on people, Spiritual work to help people in any Caliber of Awareness to achieve their own highest Goals and rediscover their own potent potential.

Why YOU Should Attend?

  • Experience the majestic energy of Mount Shasta
  • Connect with nature in a very magical and intimate way
  • Re-connect with your true self
  • Make your own medicine bags from items that you pick up along your journey in nature.
  • Connect with Lemuria
  • Journey into Telos
  • Visit a Sacred Vortex
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And so the journey begins...

You become one with the divine essence of all that is. Let us help you expand your consciousness beyond your physical body. You are not your mind, you are not your body, you are divine essence having a human experience. Let's go back to remembering who we are, why we came here, and what it is we are meant to do. Let us take you on a journey to help you expand your aura outward to feel connected with all there is. No longer will you feel the limits of your physical body but be at one with the divine!

What's Included?

  • Accommodations at a beautiful facility
  • Two organic and healthy meals every day.
  • Transportation around during the retreat. (Please note: You will be responsible for transportation to the retreat center and leaving the retreat center.)
  • All activities included - meditations, activations, group sessions, excursions, etc.

Special Price for Shasta Residents for only $1495

Note: Lodging not included

Ready to Book?

We interview every prospective attendee to make sure we are a good fit for you and you are a good fit for us. The exchange we are asking from you is $3,333 or 3 payments of $1,111.

What YOU will learn?

Connect to Your Soul

Remember how to feel again...

Learn How to listen to Nature

No matter what type of work you do, it is likely you are exposed to many people and many different vibrations on a daily—not just in person, but online, on the phone, and on social media.

Unhook from energy vampires, release the energy of people that invade your space, Release energy congestion caused by other people’s emotions and projections, Clear any energy that no longer serves  

The more you do these techniques, not only will you be able to clear your own energy quickly and easily, but you will also be able to shield yourself from unwanted energies

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Join us to help raise the

consciousness of the planet!

This event may be exactly what you need to get out of that rut,

step into the light, and find your reason for being here!

Check Dolphin Touch Wellness Center's website for upcoming events and retreats.

Dolphin Touch Wellness Center